Garage Conversion - ADU

Garage Conversion – Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU)

When you need more living space for your family, adding a new room to your home is the first solution that comes to mind. But building a new room from the ground up is an expensive and complex project. The easier and more affordable alternative is to convert your garage into a great living space. After all, your garage already consists of a foundation, four exterior walls and a roof. The second, but equally important reason behind the garage conversions that we build in the Los Angeles area is to provide an additional, fully independent housing unit, separate from the main home.

What Is An ADU and Why Should You Consider It?

An Accessory Dwelling Unit, also known as an ADU, is an additional unit on a single-family property. An ADU may or may not be attached to the primary building. Typically, ADU conversions are smaller than the main family home. Finally, ADUs are fully independent living spaces, equipped with their own electrical sub-panel, air-conditioning and heating unit, plumbing and hot water, kitchen and bathroom.
Types of ADU include, a detached garage ADU conversion, an attached ADU above garage conversion, attic conversion, an attached garage ADU conversions. Future Builders is a specialist in ADU Garage Conversions in the greater Los Angeles area.
The opportunity is clear, this newly converted living space can be used as a rental property and adds to the livable square footage area of your existing home. The net result is a converted garage space into a beautiful living area and an increased value of your home.
At Future Builders, we have wide range of completed projects, giving us a broad experience in adding existing rooms on to garages and converting garages into beautiful rooms. Before starting the construction and remodeling project, we’ll conduct an in-depth assessment and analysis of your home and prepare the necessary working project plan. Then we’ll get to work, taking into consideration even the smallest detail or design change.

What are the main benefits of an ADU?

  • Converting an existing garage structure
  • Affordable construction on existing land
  • Provides additional source of income through renting the unit
  • Provides flexibility and independence to families with aging parents
  • Cost-effective way of adding additional living space to your home
  • Adds a private, independent area for extended family or friends

Garage Conversion as an Investment

  • Immediately adds value to your existing property when the project is complete
  • Leverage the new living space as a rental to supplement monthly revenue
  • Use it as a multi-generational suite or guest house, providing an option to parents, relatives or friends to stay with you with added privacy and comfort

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